Monday, September 29, 2008

where I am

Where I live now

Danville (where I used to live)


Tk, Danny and Paisley

This is just a photstory about where I live. I used to live in a small town out in the country, Danville WA, but now I live in Spokane, aside from the fact that I can skate a lot more now it pretty much sucks. I like to be ables to sleep in complete darkness, see the stars and have privacy. All of these things are hard when living in an apartment (college terrace) with three other people. I'm not knocking the people I live with, they're my best friends, it's just taking some getting used to. In any case, this is collection of photos so that you can get a feel of where I live and the people I now live with.
colt torzewski

response to the quote for the 1st week

“Thinking should be done beforehand and afterwards - never while actually taking a
photograph. Success depends on the extent of ones general culture, on one’s set of
values, one’s clarity of mind and vivacity”
-Henri Cartier Bresson,
Harpers Magazine, November1961

I think this means that to take a good picture you need to have nothing on your mind, if you focus too hard and think about it too much you'll never like your angle or light and there will always be something wrong, you just have to think about what you want to photograph adn then just take the picture before you can over analyze it, and then maybe later you can look at it and think "damn there was too much light" or maybe you'll just think "good thing I took that picture before sasquatch completely disappeared into that fog"...

SFCC photo story

nose slide
frontside smith
kickflip kickflip to manual to 180 to half cab flip
nose bonk
long manual
nose grind

The entire time I'm at the falls I only think of one thing, it's the same thing I'v thought about all week, skating. I look at stairs and picture kickflips, benches and I see frontside shove its to nosegrinds. So this week I went all through the college and started a spot book. I took pictures of all the skateable spots at the college from the angle that I would shoot them if I were actually takings pictures of someone skating them. Eventually I plan to skate all the spots and get pictures of myself and my friends at them, but for now there's just the spots. I labeled them to so that everyone could imagine the trick.
This story was shot more all over campus than in on particular spot. There weren't many people around because I took the pictures later in the evening, but the people that were around were pretty rushed to get to class so all the shots lack people, but as I said before the locations were really just spots that I want to skate and see being skated. It's sort of different for me to describe the scenes because when most people would see those benches and they would think of sitting down and resting, but when I saw them there was a different connotation, I thought of skating and different tricks, then I thought of how I would capture a shot of that trick.