Thursday, November 20, 2008


I got a job finally, at the parkade downtown. It's super boring but I guess it could be worse, or could it? Because really being bored is the worst, if I'm working hard and even if I'm in pain at least I'm not bored, but I just sit there all day and take tickets.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Mill

Last time I went home and visited a friend (Aleks) and I went and skated at our old favorite skate spot. This place used to be an old saw mill, but when it shut down they tore down all the buildings revealing smooth concrete adn gaps everywhere. I call it the mill, but it's realy a perfect example of American wasteland, teenage wasteland.

The great thing about the mill is that it really is more than one spot though, it's a pile of spots all in the same general area. If you want to just chill and skate flat land you can do that, if you want to do some drops that option is open, if you wanna toss yourself over some gaps go for it. About the ony thing the mill doesn't have is stairs, but it makes up for it by having so many other options.

this particular time we found an old table top that was very smooth and slick, we set it up on an old door so it would be higher and then Aleks proceeded to throw down a 50/50 and 5-0. They were great shots.

We ended up going a bit too late in teh afternoon and before we knew it darkness was creeping in, so we buckled down and tried a few more tricks before calling it a night and heading home. It was great, brought back some good memories of home.

hallows Eve mahaha

I'm big into holidays. My mom did it to me, ever since I was little holidays were a big deal, we decorated and did whatever you do on each holiday. So this year even though I moved out and I'm in the big world by myself now I went out and bought halloween decor. I felt that I had to.

All my room mates thought I went a little nuts because I covered every window with those plastic halloween sticky decorations, but more importantly I went out and bought a pumpkin to carve. I think they thought it was childish, but I didn't care. I went all the way out to green bluff just to pick it out.

So there I am in the middle of the kitchen by myself carving away at and then I look up and Danny and Jarred are there. All the sudden they got the same excited glint in their eyes that I had. Bam! Danny started giving me tips and Jarred just kind of payed with the guts, but anyways they got as pumped as I was. Danny got in there and did half the carving even.

The theme of the pumpkin ended up being "smoking kills"we thought it was funny, but its probably not. We carved out what kind of looks like a cigarette and then just ended up putting a corn cob pipe in his mouth, but it was fun. I was glad I inspired them to get into the holiday spirit somehow, strange seeing as I claim to be atheist....

happy halloween

also I stuck a knife in the pumpkin so he looked murdered....