Thursday, October 30, 2008

skating downtown

Lately I've been heading downtown a lot for skating, there's a lot more cool spots and the people always just seem way more chill. It's just a better scene over all.
This weekend Jordan, Jarred and I headed down there and found a few spots to skate and just burned a few hours we had nothing else to do with. Jarred kept trying to hippie gap this bench outside the courthouse, that was the first spot we went. The court house down town has the most perfect little skate plaza I have ever seen, the ledges are low and so are the benches, nothing has skate stoppers and its all just really smooth.
Anyways, Jarred kept trying to hippie gap the bench so then Jordan started trying it too and pretty soon they got obsessed with it and were determined, the weird thing is that I think Jordan has been on a skateboard maybe six times in his life and he came closer than Jarred to landing it.
Next we headed to this spot up by the Knitting Factory or what used to be the Big Eazy, I don't know why they changed the name, kind of pisses me off. Anyways it was this little plaza thing across the street from it and they got straight to doing the same things, hippie gapping these banches, so thats about all we did all day, I tried to boneless axle stall on a bench and I think I pulled something in my ankle because it hurts bad.

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